Friday, April 6, 2012

Twins Born!

HELLO. This is Will, Rose's husband. She's currently sleeping in the hospital. Yesterday, April 5, 2012, our twins were born. Rose was 38 weeks and two days pregnant.

Isabel Louisa Willow Morgan was born first, at 4:03pm.
Matteo Linden Benson Morgan was born second, (and breech) at 4:13.

Isabel was 6 lbs, 4 oz., 20 inches long. Matteo was 6 lb 5 oz., 22 inches long

Mattes had some breathing problems and had to be put on a respirator for the first night, but he's off now, and they're in the nursery sleeping. We're hoping they have no more problems and that we can take them home in a few days.

Rose says she has lots to tell you about their names and their birth, but that she's going to need a little while to recoup.

Thanks for reading.


People's Audacity

Today I was out shopping with Elsie (who's six) and Alessa (who's two). I'm thirty-seven weeks and five days pregnant with twins, so that was no mean feat. A woman walked up to me and (as usual) asked when I was due, what I was expecting, what I was going to name it. (Any time now, a boy and a girl, Isabel and Matteo (maybe)).

This woman was in her mid sixties, and wearing one of those necklaces that has the grandchildren's birthstones on them. She told me she had a daughter about my age (I'm 24). And then she had the gall to tell me that at my age I should know how to use birth control. 

I've nothing against birth control, I really don't. But I'll have you know all my children were planned. Well, Elsie wasn't, but she wasn't unwanted either. We wanted our children close together, so we could spend time after they're out of the house before we were housebound. I'm pretty sure these two will be our lasts, I always wanted four, and we were planning for four, but you can't plan twins. ;)

BUT that this lady assumed that because I have a two year old and a six year old that I can't control myself is ridiculous. (She didn't even see the five year old who's at home!) I want my children to grow up in a world where people won't be judged for their situations.

Yes, I had my first daughter at 18. I've been with Will since we were 15, and it just seemed right to keep this little child that we'd created. We'd spoken of getting pregnant in a few years, and if Elsie came sooner than planned, well, then we'd make it work. 

I'm sorry you don't approve of my life choices, but keep your nose out of my business, thank you very much.

Author's Note: This was written on April 1, 2012 and published April 6, 2012 by my husband. 

Living North of the County Line

I know I don't live that far north. It's 50s here in April, and 90s in July and August, but we still get snow. I live an hour north of Bawston in a town in New Hampshire. I live with my husband Will and our five children. (Well, technically three, with two on the way). I love my life, and although I might change a few things, I wouldn't change most of it for the world.
